
Dr. Michael Konrad · Dipl.-Phys. · German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney · European Trademark and Design Attorney

Michael Konrad studied pysics at the Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. There, at the electron accelerator of the intitute of physics, he planned, constructed and operated fast detectors for particles. In particular, the focus of his work was the selection of appropriate materials, the electronic for detection and readout, suitable hard- and software and the imaging of the measured signals.

Since 2006, Michael Konrad has been working on the field of industrial property. He began his education as patent attorney at the patent office Flaccus in Wesseling, where he was especially operative in the technical fields of medical active substances and application forms, metal alloys, electronics, telecommunication and cryptography. Later, further key aspects were optical systems, medical imaging, methods in electronic and data processing and (electro-)mechanical devices.

Since 2010, Michael Konrad works at his own patent office in Munich.

Since 2010, Michael Konrad works at his own patent office, initially in Munich, later in Tübingen.

There is close cooperation with patent attorneys Beckord and Niedlich in Holzkirchen near Munich.